Alon Laniado, Entrepreneur and Investor

"People need human support to enhance their lives, but they don't need much of it to have a big impact. Tech creates opportunities to give human time to more people."

 About Alon Laniado

Alon Laniado is an entrepreneur, investor and a champion in the field of Tech-Enabled Human Services (TEHS). He is excited by the opportunity to use technology to help more people access human services to enhance their lives.

“TEHS take the best of human abilities and tech efficiency to provide critical human services to more people in an affordable way,” says Alon.

The TEHS concept combines the best of what is needed from human capital with the cost-effectiveness of tech. The combination of the two reduces costs so that expensive human help becomes accessible. 

Alon’s most recent venture is Fitmate, a TEHS that provides virtual weight loss coaching. Clients have access to expert coaches around the clock that make them accountable while also providing motivation. This service can cost in the thousands, but with the Fitmate TEHS model, it is available at a fraction of the cost. 

Fitmate is Alon’s second foray into helping more people access life-changing assistance. He previously found Pathmotion, another TEHS startup.

Pathmotion connects job candidates to company insiders to help those candidates make better-informed decisions about where they want to work. The company was sold to PageUp in 2021.

“There are certain human abilities that tech can’t replace right now and others that tech is better at, combining the two is the future for delivery of effective and affordable human services,” the Fitmate founder says. 

Alon is the chairman and founder of Eternity Capital & Ventures, which makes investments in TEHS startups.

He holds an MSc in Economics from the London School of Economics and a Masters in International Affairs (MIA) from Columbia University. He has worked as a senior policy advisor with HM Treasury as well as a strategy consultant at Bain & Company.

Vision: Democratizing Human Support

Alon Laniado is on a mission to make human services more accessible through tech.

Tech-Enhanced Human Services is the tech space which makes this happen.






Get in touch if you’d like to collaborate:

Join FitMate Coach

FitMate Coach is expanding and we’re seeking people who are passionate about helping people improve their health. Please check our current open positions on


I’m investing in startups that use tech to make a human-led service more accessible (e.g. coaching, concierge, professional services). Feel free to get in touch.

Thought leadership

Drop me a line if you’d like to discuss anything Health Coaching or Tech-Enhanced Human Services, including participation in a seminar or conference.